Personal transformation using the timeless wisdom of the Chakra System with Nivedita Ganapathi 

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Hanuman Workshop (Mind Mastery)

The divine thrust inherent in the human psyche enables us to attain greater heights of evolution.

SRI HANUMANJI UPASANA is aimed to inspire us to shake off our human frailties and discover our divine potential.

Change the way you look at personal power!


31 Day Awareness Program

Remember that until we make our subconscious conscious, it will drive us, and we will call it fate. So let us take the first step to move from auto-pilot to taking charge of our life. Let us find out the programs operating in our subconscious and decide which ones to keep and which ones to replace.

While it is important to learn about things intellectually, nothing can replace the actual practice of mindfulness. And while some of the things I will lead you through may seem familiar or even very simple, the fact is we just don’t practice mindfulness on our own. I can promise you that your awareness will expand beyond your imagination after this month-long practice.

Nivedita Ganapathi is a personal coach, spiritual seeker and teacher.

As a self awareness coach, Nivedita has transformed many lives by educating and inspiring people on how to jumpstart their personal transformation and live a purposeful life.

Nivedita has conducted many mindfulness practices at major universities like Stanford, University of California Santa Cruz, and facilitated conscious leadership programs at corporates like Oracle, LinkedIn, and many other organizations.


Learn more about Nivedita Ganapathi and her story here.